A well-functioning air conditioner is every home’s lifeline during the hot and humid long summers in Port St. Lucie. So, when the cooling system won’t turn on, most homeowners panic and misinterpret the problem as a major equipment failure so try these troubleshooting tips for thermostat issues.

However, most AC unit failures are simply the result of a malfunctioning or obsolete thermostat. This vital component is essentially the nerve center of any HVAC system.

When a thermostat develops repair problems, it fails to produce the signal that kick-starts your home’s cooling process.

Luckily, there are simple fixes that can restore your thermostat’s functionality and potentially save you some dollars in unnecessary AC repairs.

AC Problems Caused by a Faulty Thermostat

According to a 2018 survey, over 70 million homes in the U.S depend on HVAC systems to maintain ideal indoor temperatures. The air conditioning unit and the thermostat should work together to help you get the indoor temperature just right. Unfortunately, a stalling thermostat could prevent your air conditioner from turning on, spelling trouble for your home in the dead heat of a Florida summer.


If your AC doesn’t start, try these Troubleshooting Tips for Thermostat Issues that could impede your home cooling system.

Thermostat Isn’t Getting Power

Your air conditioner won’t turn on if the thermostat is experiencing power supply issues that prevent it from signaling the system to cycle on. Try replacing batteries on older models or check your main electrical panel for a tripped breaker or loose wiring that could cut off the power to a modern thermostat.

If your thermostat’s display is still not lit, a buildup of grime inside the device could be preventing power from reaching the device. Be sure to shut off the thermostat breaker before using a soft brush to clear out any coating of debris around the inner electrical and mechanical components.

Note: Poorly Calibrated Anticipator – NO longer used in AC Systems

A thermostat can cause inconsistencies between the actual room climate and the temperature setting, causing the AC operation to skew or fail to start.

For an old manual thermostat, adjust the heat anticipator lever further from the shut-off temperature until the cooling system comes on. If you own a newer programmable thermostat, lengthen the cooling cycle to improve the accuracy of the internal thermometer, allowing the thermostat to turn on your AC at the desired target temperature.

Thermostat Is Obsolete

As your thermostat gets older, it can encounter more frequent technical issues that strain the AC compressor immensely. Furthermore, obsolete tech on older models can lead to decreased sensitivity and connectivity issues, hampering the cooling system’s capacity to operate.

If your AC constantly fails to turn on due to an outdated thermostat, it may be time to consider switching to a newer programmable model. Next-generation smart thermostats are typically more energy efficient and less prone to connectivity and power supply issues. Besides eliminating frequent operating problems, a newer thermostat can also save you money on ac servicing and utility bills.

AC Won’t Start? A Cooling Expert Can Help

Are HVAC thermostat malfunctions leaving you uncomfortable and frustrated? Contact I Need The Plumber & AC in Port St. Lucie today – our AC repair technician can help diagnose and fix thermostat issues so you can effectively regulate the temperature in your home.